How about some Resources, sure to knock your socks off!
Here is a list of ever changing resources perfect for small business owners and solopreneurs, alike. Seasoned owner or newbie, these are for you.
These are all resources I have used or tested and/or I stand behind them. I share them with you because I know they will help you save money, save time or get that extra little boost you need.
Running a business is difficult. So much to do. So much to learn.
Seth Godin‘s Blog
Seth writes about the post-industrial revolution, the way ideas spread, marketing, quitting, leadership and most of all, changing everything. You might be familiar with his books Linchpin, Tribes, The Dip and Purple Cow.
Subscribe to his Blog and get Seth’s marketing goodness in your inbox each morning. He has a way of changing your perspective through short and to the point blog posts.
Derek Halpern’s ‘Social Triggers’
Derek obviously loves what he does, his passion and intensity come out in his videos. Combine phycology, sales and overall business savviness and you’ve got the brilliance that is his blog and podcast. You can always expect nothing but ‘high protein’ from Derek. No fluff. Ever.
John Jantsch’s ‘Duct Tape Marketing’
John and his team put out some of the best marketing know-how content online. It’s his straight forward, easy to understand and digest format that attracts the hoards of fans that he has to his blog, books and podcast on a regular basis. When it comes to all-out hard core marketing advice, there aren’t that many that compare to John.
Small Business Administration
A great resource for small business advice and training from planning to funding. How does the Affordable Health Care Act affect you? This is a great, non-biased place to find answers.
Check out the local section and find out more about local resource available to you.
Small Business Body Guard
Call it a crash course in all things legal for your business. Who is it good for? Selling something online – it’s for you. Running a small business – yep, it’s for you. Working is a cubicle, tucked away, planning your escape – read up too, you will need this soon.
Includes a free email clinic teaches you the top 5 things you need to legally cover your ass–before your ass gets busted.
Mail Chimp
Easy to use, easy to manage email marketing software. Free for your first 500 subscribers.
You need to have a tool to collect emails of fans, customers and stalkers. Mail Chimp makes it easy to send out updates to your list. Stay connected = better customer relations = more love from your clients = $.
Onebox is a virtual phone service that I have had the same 888 number for my business for years. Their executive plan starts at $16.95 and gives you 100 minutes plus your 800 number is a fax line too. I have this 888 number forwarded to my cell or office line and none of the “minutes” count against my 100 minute plan. I have moved several times and have never had to update my number, woo hoo.
They have loads of fancy features in the plan I have, or in higher plans, and honestly I do not use them all. Their customer support is excellent and they have exceeded my expectations each time I have called. Easy to set up, easy to use.
DISCLOSURE: Some of these links are affiliate links, and if you purchase I do make a small commission. I share these resources with you because I believe they will help you run your business better, not for the commission. I just want to be upfront and honest with you. Because I like you. And I want you to be wickedly successful.
Please don’t spend money on any product unless you think it will help you run your business better, or help you reach your goals. Do your own research and be a smart buyer. Smarty-pants.