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What’s next?

Watch Digital Marketing Videos

Watch Digital Marketing Videos

I create weekly digital marketing videos over on the YouTube. I’ll show you how to easily implement digital marketing strategies into your business so you can make more money, get more clients, and have more time.


Funnel Shop

Check out our pre-made Sales Funnels

To shortcut your lead generation and sales process we suggest using funnels. These are a systems of forms, pages, and emails that walk your prospects from just meeting you to purchasing – all on autopilot. If this sounds like a technical nightmare, we gotcha. We create dozens of pre-made funnel templates so the hard work is all done for you. You just plug in your logo and information and you’re ready to go. 

And if you REALLY don’t want to do it yourself, no problem. We have a program were we implement it all for you. Your choice.

If you’re looking to grow an email list, book appointments, sell products, create a membership or course – we’ve got you covered. 


Learn DIgital marketing with Torie Mathis

Take a Digital Marketing Course

Chose from dozens of the best digital marketing courses, created through real-world experience by digital marketing experts and entrepreneurs. This is the best of what is working right now! 

Watch Digital Marketing Videos

Get a Digital Marketing Coach

Join the Smart Arsenal Exclusive for full access to digital marketing courses, sales funnels, tools, and resources and get one-on-one coaching and a customized game plan created for you. It’s the ultimate program for the serious entrepreneur.

“You can have more control over your business. This means more growth, more opportunities and more time to focus on the parts of your business you love. It all starts with working smarter.”


Hi! I'm Torie, Founder of Lake Shark media

We Headshot of Torie Mathishelp entrepreneurs (like you) use digital marketing to get more clients + make more money. And we make it easy!

We meet you exactly where you are, offering a full suite of marketing services, templates, courses, and guides - all giving you the option to grow into more.


Learn the 5 steps to make your marketing EASY, EFFECTIVE, and PREDICTABLE.